miƩrcoles, 16 de abril de 2008

wHaT aNiMaL Is iT?

It's small
It's black and white.
They live in antartida
They are Marine birds

what animal iss????

WhAt bAnD iS iT?

This is one of my fabourite bands.
They are a spanish band.

they are 3 mens.
they play the original soundtrack of "los hombres de paco"

what band is it?

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008


Saint Valentine

A path winding across the horizon
over mountains, across seas
through blue skies and gray
never ceasing, continuous.
My love for you.

hAppY sAnT vAlEnTiNeee


HeLLo!! PeOpLee

DiD YoU CeLeBrAtE CaRnIvAl??

I cElEbRaTed cArNaVaL
I DrEsSeD ThE bLaCk PeRsoN...

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2007


I lovee high school musical!! is the best!!!

miƩrcoles, 14 de noviembre de 2007

*my favourite place in manresa*

My favourite place is the cinema Bages Centre, manresa it's great.
I go to cinema one once a month, with my friends.
There are many interesting buildings.
We eat on the Viena, on the McDonalds...

bye, bye!